"Taare Zameen Par ', India The film, starring and produced by Aamir Khan was released on December 21, 2007 and tells the story of a boy named Ishaan (Darsheel Safary) who" suffer "Dyslexia difficulty reading and writing. Due to the lack of motor skills that he is often teased by friends - friends and teachers and scolded by his parents. In his family he was not proud of children who like her brother, Yohaan Awasthi / Dada (Sachet Engineer) is studious, disciplined and always get the best value in the school.
Every day that passed Ishaan, who by the third grade teacher at the school was labeled as "idiots" are, no passed without the chaos and mischief made. This is in stark contrast to the attitude of Ishaan's father, Nandkishore Awasthi (Vipin Sharma) and her mother, Maya Awasthi (Tisca Chopra) who is always demanding "greatness" of each lesson and her attitude as indicated excess Dada, his brother, both at school and at home without wanting to understand the psychological condition of Ishaan.
Because they never showed a good change, the old Ishaan and send and send them to boarding school (boarding school). Ishaan was at this school does not indicate what changes - anything, even more severe. Only a few friends sebangkunyalah can understand it, Damodran Rajan (Tanay Chheda), but it does not mean anything - anything for Ishaan. Cheerfulness and confidence is lost. "Delinquency" was too devastated even to draw interest to participate buried a time, there is a new teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan) who taught at the school entrance.
The new teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh is what gives special attention to Ishaan. Analyze the problem, went to his parents, Ishaan reawaken the confidence and spend special time to teach him. The film "Taare Zameen Par" is the struggle of teachers to teach in school and parents at home how to deal with children with Dyslexia. That basically every child has unique strengths, creativity and dreams are different and that makes every child is Special (Every Child is Special).
End of story of Ishaan in the film is the rise of Ishaan love to learn and catch up on the guidance of his teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumb, he even won the painting competition held at the school and made the cover painting school yearbook. The film itself has won 42 awards during 2008 in various categories and the Year 2009 Academy Award Best Foreign Film Submission. For parents, teachers and other education practitioners, I recommend this film to dinonton.
From this film we can learn many things, including the need for us to understand the advantages and disadvantages others. If we as parents, do not be too busy with our work so there's no time for children, we should be able to devote time to working and family, success is our right, our success or failure is not determined by anyone else but themselves we,
Message conveyed in this film is not to give them the burden of parents to children to the achievement - the achievement that should he win. Give your child the freedom to evolve and different way of looking at the world yag appropriate level of standard of thinking and mental state. Anaklah is not a "horse race" to be forced to run to achieve something or like a robot who has to live on remote parents. Children need to touch the hearts and understood mental development. For children who suffer from dyslexia, he needed special attention due to the different way of looking at the world, including ways of thinking creatively and "out of the box '. Some world leaders who had suffered from dyslexia, difficulty in reading and writing are Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Alva Edison, Pablo Picasso, Neil Diamond, Walt Disney, Agatha Charistie, and many others.
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